Scientists from the US and Australia are working on bringing the Tasmanian tiger back from the dead.

The marsupial, which had a dog-like appearance and is also known as a thylacine, was hunted to extinction, with the last known specimen dying in the 1930s.

The animal was called a ‘tiger’ for the stripes found on its back.

The scientists claim that they will be able to resurrect the species through a combination of gene editing and the use of stem cells and the animal could be back in the wild within a decade.

However, critics have said bringing the species back from beyond the grave is the stuff of science fiction.

The American company which is involved in the project, Colossal, had recently been in the news over claims that it would be bringing the woolly mammoth back from the dead.

Image: Baker; E.J. Keller., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
