Against the silver bullet or one thingism 


One of the best political insights I’ve ever heard, that on reflection is quite obvious, is that people are extremely vulnerable to the “silver bullet”

Decline of the ANC: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves


Three recent polls of party-political support are confusing and contradictory. With tectonic shifts in South African politics possibly under way, polls are in demand to

Have the Nats been proven right?


With increasing frequency, I hear that the old-school apartheid racists were right: hand over control to black people, and you’ll end up with a corrupt,

Small businesses are businesses. We need to realise this – Part 1


This month – August – Pope Francis has asked the Catholic faithful to pray for small- and medium-sized businesses. In a video appeal, he described

Pfizer gives damning evidence against Pfizer vaccines


The most damning report I have ever seen on the dangers of Covid-19 vaccines comes from Pfizer Incorporated. In it, Pfizer lists the adverse events

Transkei is not part of South Africa


A little earlier this year, the government held yet another Communal Land Summit, which, over one-and-a-half days, consisted of four ministerial speeches, instructions on how

Why I kicked a hornets’ nest of wokery


‘Ian, you’ve kicked one hell of a hornets’ nest,’ I’ve been told by an insider. While my petition was strictly a list of probing questions,

Will the ANC give up power peacefully?


Much ink is being spilled – not only here at the Daily Friend but elsewhere – on the fact that the ANC is perilously close

The public health system: Quality, outcomes & medicolegal liabilities


This is the third in a series of five articles in which Michael Settas elaborates on the critically important distinction between universal health coverage (a

Marxists expose media capture plot


A new report has exposed the ugly truth about South Africa’s liberal media: its nefarious funders seek to advance democracy, defend press freedom, combat corruption,