The leader of the Republicans in France, Eric Ciotti, has caused consternation in the political establishment after calling for an electoral pact with Marine le Pen’s National Rally (NR) ahead of parliamentary elections later this month.

The Republican party is the descendant of the Union for a Popular Movement, a Gaullist political party which for many years dominated French politics, along with the Socialist Party. However, both parties are now shadows of their former selves, having been displaced by more popular movements, such as the NR and President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party.

Macron called a snap election earlier this month after French elections for the European parliament showed gains for Le Pen’s NR.

Ciotti was quoted as saying: ‘We need to have an alliance while remaining ourselves… an alliance with the National Rally and its candidates.’

Ciotti’s call has already caused ructions within his own party, with Ciotti’s own deputy, Florence Portelli, saying the party could force him to resign.

Image by Grégory ROOSE from Pixabay
