

In No Uncertain Terms

Sandton Drive name-change attempts should be scrapped completely


The City of Joburg’s political management committee (PMC) decided to stop the renaming of the Sandton Drive to Leila Khaled so that members could reach a consensus. This PMC comprises all political parties in the ANC-led local government. The City

In No Uncertain Terms

Trump boosts the ANC’s disastrous Expropriation Act


“No, be afraid. Be very afraid.” These famous words come from the 1986 sci-fi film, The Fly. A crazy scientist invents a machine that can break matter down, transmit it and then reconstruct it in a similar machine some distance

In No Uncertain Terms

The Western Cape Education Department’s dangerous dance with the South African Human Rights Commission


On 22 October 2024, I published an article entitled How Critical Race Theory Infiltrated and Radicalised the South African Human Rights Commission. In that article, I expressed deep concern about the appointment of Professor Tshepo Madlingozi as a full-time commissioner

In No Uncertain Terms

Why Civil Rights Organisations Are Now South Africa’s Only Real Opposition


In the immediate aftermath of the 2024 elections, when the ANC — bloodied but not bowed — pulled the Democratic Alliance, Freedom Front Plus, Inkatha Freedom Party, and others into its orbit under the euphemistic banner of a Government of

In No Uncertain Terms

A case against a state bank in South Africa


A survey conducted by Dear South Africa in April 2023 regarding the Postal Amendment Bill found that 94% of the participants did not support it. Only 1% did, and the remaining 4% were undecided. Despite the survey resulting in a

In No Uncertain Terms

Trump’s shock-and-awe approach … is working


In the last few weeks since his inauguration President Donald Trump has actively bulldozed through various significant policies driving fundamental change in the way in which the United States is positioning itself globally.  The sheer speed and directness of his

In No Uncertain Terms

Economic Freedom is impossible without sacrosanct property rights


Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every individual to control their labour and property. It is the freedom to work, produce, trade, and use resources without government interference, enabling people to create better lives for themselves and their families. 

In No Uncertain Terms

Ramaphosa fails the test


Nicholas Lorimer, Makone Maja, and Marius Roodt discuss the State of the Nation Address (SONA) 2025. They also talk about MK's financial troubles and a weird advert from the Department of Health.