#WhatSACanBe: United in growth we stand, divided by race we fall

Dispatches Opinions

South Africa is a crossroads. The Government of National Unity has taken the public by storm, an expression of South Africa’s willingness to see change

Clarify GNU’s stance on property rights, IRR urges Ramaphosa

Dispatches News

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s acknowledgement in last week’s Opening of Parliament speech that property rights are key to economic success is to be welcomed, but clarity

IRR warns of costs of “unconstitutional” Public Procurement Act

Dispatches News

The Public Procurement Act which President Cyril Ramaphosa has just signed into law incentivises corrupt rent-seeking in government spending in the economy of over R1

FSU SA joins global free speech campaign

Dispatches News

Defending the right to free speech “in the Anglosphere and beyond” is the overarching objective of the International Association of Free Speech Unions (IAFSU), of

Ramaphosa must tell SA country is “aiming for economic growth” – IRR

Dispatches News

There is one simple message President Cyril Ramaphosa must give the nation today and that is that the country is aiming for economic growth, says

Clarity needed on NHI, IRR urges GNU

Dispatches News

Now is the time for clarity on NHI, which “remains one of the biggest unknown factors in the GNU’s plans for South Africa”, says the

“Laser-like focus” on growth more important than size of cabinet – IRR

Dispatches News

In the absence of a “laser-like focus” on growth, merely reducing the size of the “bloated” Government of National Unity (GNU) cabinet will do little

Make SA truly non-racial and scrap race classification, IRR urges GNU-in-the-making

Dispatches News

Once constituted, the Government of National Unity (GNU) should commit itself clearly to the founding constitutional principle of non-racialism and bring an end to classifying

SA’s high-stakes opportunity

Dispatches Opinions

What follows is the text of an address I gave today to the Cato Institute in Washington D.C., where I am embarked on the second

South Africa’s precarious 2024 opportunity

Dispatches Opinions

What follows is the address I delivered today to the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA)* in London on the opportunities and challenges facing the country