Articles By This Author

Tourism grading: 20th century solutions to 20th century problems


The Department of Tourism is promoting its “free grading” service, solving a problem that nobody has anymore. It’s time to free the tourism market. Back

Trump: a very stupid trade war


Whether through sheer ignorance, or malevolent intent, Trump is causing chaos, alienating allies and enemies alike, and hurting ordinary Americans. According to some readers, I

Scoring the rest of Trump’s Day One orders


Newly elected US president Donald Trump’s wild flurry of executive orders has sparked chaos and confusion in America and around the world. Earlier this week,

Scoring Donald Trump’s avalanche of executive orders


Donald Trump is rapidly implementing the political programme on which he campaigned, entirely by decree. Let’s assess his avalanche of actions. US president Donald Trump

Parks Tau wouldn’t know what to do with R100 billion


If South Africa wants growth and job creation, the last thing it needs is to let government raise and disburse a R100 billion fund. The minister

Welcome to the crony states of America


Yesterday marked the beginning of Trump’s new and improved USA, where the facts don’t matter and anyone can bribe the president. It was symbolic that

What happens when you ban social media platforms


In anticipation of a TikTok blackout on Sunday, users are reportedly migrating en masse to… other Chinese platforms. And they really like it there. TikTok,

Phillip de Wet contracts an acute case of authoritarianism


South Africans, says Phillip de Wet, should reach political consensus on implementing a “Great (Political) Internet Wall”, à la China, to shut out social media

Wealth redistribution is wealth destruction


If economic growth is what we want, we need policies that permit wealth creation. Redistribution destroys wealth. Wealth creation is a recent – and fragile

Remaining an under-developed country is a choice


Let’s not be coy about it. South Africa is not a “developing” country. It is an under-developed country. By choice. The word “developing” is a