

In No Uncertain Terms

Farm conditions: getting past a cartoon caricature


Over the last couple of weeks, three disturbing stories have garnered some public attention. One relates to a grotesque case in Limpopo where two women were shot and supposedly fed to pigs; the second, from the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, saw two

In No Uncertain Terms

Reforming Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges


There are many reforms the Government of National Unity (GNU) must implement to fulfil its core goals of boosting growth and jobs. One of the most important could easily be overlooked. South Africa has a dire shortage of technical and

In No Uncertain Terms

Inequality can increase or reduce poverty


Having the world’s highest inequality and youth unemployment is not a coincidence. Efforts to maximise reliance on the state have benefited the politically connected while pummelling growth and employment. ANC elites have retained their privileges through exploiting “inequality”, a catchphrase

In No Uncertain Terms

Look to US, not apartheid SA, to best understand Trumpism


A little under a month ago, the Financial Times published a piece by Simon Kuper, “Musk, Thiel and the shadow of apartheid South Africa” (19 September), containing misconceptions that I believed were serious enough to warrant challenging. The following is

In No Uncertain Terms

Pianos on the patio and a poo on the pavement


I cannot recommend more highly that you do what I recently did – remove homeless people from their homes, forcibly if you have to. It is so awful, gut-wrenching, and confounding that it becomes important. It is one of those

In No Uncertain Terms

Are humans becoming more stupid?


Is the human race becoming more stupid? Much evidence points that way when you look at the works and thoughts of our ancestors and compare them with our own. Is this because human brains have physically degenerated or because our

In No Uncertain Terms

Kamala Harris the likely next US president


It was a master stroke by Democratic party leaders to dump octogenarian Joe Biden, replacing him with Kamala Harris as candidate for president.  It was a game changer that lifted the shroud that had descended over the party faithful, following

In No Uncertain Terms

Death cults triumph? Despair and horror in the Middle East


Sderot, Gaza border - The very last thing one expects when arriving at Israel’s international airport during a war in which the nation founded by Holocaust survivors is accused of committing genocide is a young Jewish man giving the stiff-armed