Vicki Momberg, sentenced to prison last year for calling police officers the k-word in a 2016 altercation, was being sought as a fugitive until she handed herself over on Wednesday.

Momberg had failed to appear in court in August, after which police issued a warrant for her arrest.

She handed herself over to police in Douglasdale yesterday, and was taken back into custody to serve the remainder of the two-year sentence handed down in March last year, following her conviction on four counts of crimen injuria.

Media attention was lavished on Momberg’s apparent flight from justice – with contributors to social media speculating, among other things, that she had fled to Orania, or to Australia, and police announcing they had launched a manhunt for her.

Less attention was given to another manhunt, this one for four awaiting-trial prisoners who had escaped from police holding cells in Limpopo on Sunday.

Police said the men, aged between 31 and 41, escaped through the roof of the cells.

They face charges including murder, rape and house and business robbery, and were considered so dangerous that police warned the public to ‘not try to apprehend them’, but to ‘inform the police quickly’.
