The Black Lawyers Association (BLA) has said that if Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema believes ‘white legal professionals (are) superior’ he is ‘not suitable’ to serve on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

The JSC interviews candidates for judicial vacancies and makes recommendations for appointments to the Bench.

BLA president Mashudu Kutama was responding to Malema’s defending the appointment of Advocate Laurence Hodes as his counsel in a case arising from assault charges against him and EFF MP Mbuyiseni Ndlozi.

Malema told supporters after his court appearance last week that there was nothing wrong with using white lawyers. He said: ‘Hodes does not have a problem of having black juniors. They do not have a problem of briefing black senior counsel. That is why they are on retainer.’

He was quoted as saying: ‘No fool can tell me which lawyer must represent me. It is true, we are represented by white lawyers. They will represent us today, tomorrow and anytime we want.’

But, according to a News24 report, the BLA’s Kutama says Malema must clarify his views.

Kutama is quoted as saying: ‘We need to have a discussion and give Malema the opportunity to clarify his statements. If he views white legal professionals as superior, then he is not suitable to hold office.’

The report said the BLA had been advocating for the use of black legal professionals by the government and high-profile leaders.
