If you want to understand how important it is to help resist the Expropriation Bill the African National Congress wants to enact as soon as it can, tune in to a livestreamed conversation this morning with IRR Head of Policy Research Dr Anthea Jeffery.

You can use the YouTube link at the bottom of this story, either to follow the event as it happens, or watch it later when you have the time. 

The IRR argues that the draconian provisions in the draft law risk fundamentally undermining the property rights and human rights of all South Africans, and surrendering power to the state and government at all levels, posing a grave threat to the country’s future.

It is encouraging that, so far, nearly 20 000 South Africans have joined the IRR in registering their opposition to the bill. The period for public comment on the draft legislation has been extended to 28 February, and Daily Friend readers are urged to use this opportunity to add their voices to the campaign against the threat to property rights. 

Join this morning’s livestream at 9am at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxICJk0aKEk or use the link to watch it later. 
