Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga caused a stir when she suggested in an address to pupils at a secondary school in Pretoria this week that educated men ‘won’t rape’ women.

She later issued a statement clarifying her remarks.

When Motshekga told the learners on Monday that ‘an educated man won’t rape, akere? [not so?]’, a dismissive mumbling could be heard in the background.

She made the remark in an address in which she said government had prioritised education because ‘it knows that it is only through education that we can deal with challenges facing our communities’. 

Hours later, the Department of Basic Education said in a statement that the media should not take Motshekga’s remarks out of context, as she was speaking generally about power and how ‘rape is indeed about power, hence the department of education’s programmes to educate (male children about) the importance of how to deal with power relations between men and women from a young age’.

