All contact sport at South African schools was suspended yesterday because of concerns about a surge in coronavirus infections since the beginning of the second term.

The decision was made by the Council of Education Ministers in a virtual meeting yesterday.

The council said in a statement: ‘Following the school sports activities-related Covid-19 outbreaks in Gauteng and general rise of cases in communities across the country, the outbreak response team said the risk was high when engaged in close-contact sports, especially with people who did not live together.’

The council said that during the last week of the first term, ‘school sports activity-related Covid-19 outbreaks in Gauteng were reported and have been gradually increasing in term two’.

‘It is evident that despite following the protocols as guided by the directions on extramural activities and standard operating procedure on the prevention, containment and management of Covid-19 in schools, contact sports events still contribute to the spread of Covid-19.’

Schools may continue non-contact sports, performed with social distancing and other safety measures in place.

[Image: Keith Johnston from Pixabay]
