With one life claimed by Covid every 10 minutes on average in Gauteng last week, crematorium operators, undertakers and funeral parlours are reported to be under enormous pressure.

In the first week of July alone, almost 3 000 people died from Covid-19 related complications, with most of these losses happening in Gauteng.

According to EWN, the brutal third wave of infections has led to crematoriums being flooded with triple the usual workload.

Avbob funeral parlours across Gauteng have recorded a 150% increase in clients in July alone.

Last week alone, there were over 1 000 burials through state facilities.

The Department of Health on Sunday recorded a total number of 8 804 people who were in hospitals across the province; 3 155 in public facilities and 5 649 in private facilities.

Oscar Field, a crematorium operator in Lenasia, said: ‘It is quite stressful on us working there. I have to sometimes work late at night. After having done 15 cremations, I come home at 1:15am.’

[Image: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay]
