Amidst the horrific scenes of violence, destruction of property, looting and fires of recent days, some photographs and video footage revealed an uncanny lack of concern about the consequences of brazen theft.

One video showed a young man walking down the street in broad daylight carrying a couch on his head.

A video of ransacked warehouses showed a number of people making off with products in wide, flat cardboard boxes (likely flat-screen TVs). Looters resorted to all forms of transport: Shanks’s pony, trolleys – both shopping and trolleypreneur – and, more impressively in the case of two cunning operators, forklifts.

Finally, there was the footage of the man who tried to get a large, flat-screen television into his car. It didn’t fit in the back, so he tried to get it into his boot. Problem was, his boot was full of stolen goods.

The rank indifference to the forces of law and order is perhaps explained by the footage in the following tweet.
