A poll released by ActionSA, the party founded by the former mayor of Johannesburg, Herman Mashaba, shows that it is the most popular party in the city.

ActionSA said its poll showed it had the support of 31.7% of residents, the ANC was second with 30.5%, the DA had 24%, while the EFF was supported by just over 7% of those polled.

In a statement the party said: ‘We are pleased but not surprised by what the polling demonstrates. While established parties want to try and tell voters that they are the only party capable of removing governments, this is patently incorrect.’

IRR analysts said that it was unlikely that Mashaba and his party would manage to secure such a big chunk of the vote, but it could do well enough to act as a kingmaker in the municipality.

Recent polling done by the IRR also found that about one percent of respondents would vote for ActionSA, but this level of support was within the margin of error.

[Image: https://www.actionsa.org.za/]
