Ivo Vegter, in the Daily Friend, 9 November 2021, launched a 2 169-word attack on my article about the “demented war against Ivermectin” (my words, which I stand by). I found it strange.

I’ve met Vegter, like him, enjoy his writing and nearly always agree with him, especially on environmental matters. Neither Vegter’s views on Covid nor mine are central to the liberal views of the DF, which we share, and I congratulate the DF for publishing both of us – although I hope we are not boring readers to death.  Here I am strengthening my argument for Ivermectin and deepening my doubts about the Covid-19 vaccines. Unlike Vegter, I am only allowed about 800 words.

Attacks people

Vegter accuses me of being “puerile” and I notice that throughout his 2 169 words, rather than attacking the arguments of proponents, he often attacks their persons and past errors. This is rather like saying that Newton’s laws of motion “cannot be taken seriously” because “Isaac Newton had cranky ideas about religion and alchemy and was a spiteful and jealous snob. Therefore, the gravitational force is not inversely proportional to the square of distance.” (I made up this quote). I must admit a personal weakness in the Covid argument: I have no formal qualifications for it. My only complete qualifications are in physics and engineering.

In biology, I have only first year organic chemistry; in actuarial science, nothing. I should much rather write on things I am qualified for, such as climate and energy, but have got drawn into this affair. I am a liberal, and therefore believe in science and capitalism, both of which have been corrupted by the gigantic pharmaceutical corporations.

Ivermectin was invented in 1975 as a veterinary medicine. It was discovered to be wonderfully effective against a broad range of human illnesses, and was “re-purposed”. (The most famous re-purpose drug is aspirin, the one getting most laughs Viagra.) Ivermectin has been used on humans for over thirty years, in over three thousand million doses. It saved hundreds of millions of humans from blindness, deformity, and other dread ailments. It won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015. It is extremely safe. It proved highly effective against Covid-19.

I do not have space for the huge studies confirming this but you can find them here: https://ivmmeta.com/. Unfortunately, this report is 94 pages long. It touches on the Cochrane Review, cited by Vegter, explains its deficiencies, and notes that in 2018, the co-founder of Cochrane, Dr Gøtzche, accused its science of being corrupted by the pharmaceutical companies. He was fired, and half of the board resigned with him. Of crucial importance, Ivermectin is very cheap. I believe this is the fundamental reason for the war against it.


On 26 August 2021, in the Financial Mail, Paul Ash wrote an article on Ivermectin. I know nothing about Mr Ash except that he writes travel articles and am citing his article simply as being typical of mainstream articles on Ivermectin worldwide. Its title is “A killer vaccine for the wilfully ignorant”. It begins “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all stop it.” Using Ivermectin on humans “must surely, fit the definition of insanity”. People who do so are “lunatics” educated at “the WhatsApp Medical School”. (Mr Ash does not tell us his own qualifications, although perhaps, like Somerset Maugham, he graduated as a medical doctor before turning to writing.)

This is by no means the worst example of thousands of such articles around the world in what I call the demented war against Ivermectin. Would Vegter describe it as a perfectly rational argument? Vegter, with puzzling logic, says it is unfair to say Ivermectin is only a “horse de-wormer” but seems to suggest that it is perfectly reasonable for hundreds of journalists to say just this.


I feel rather ashamed of my first naive praise of the Covid-19 vaccines. I have since learnt they are by far the most dangerous vaccines of the last thirty years or more, that their effectiveness against Covid-19 seems to be shrinking by the day, and that for healthy people under sixty they are unnecessary. The US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows that enormously more people suffer adverse effects, including death, after the Covid vaccines than after all previous vaccines.

Vegter gives odd reasons to explain this away but gives no data to back them up. Scientists such as Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine – oops! I mean “one of the developers of the mRNA vaccine” – gave expert warnings about possible dangers of the new vaccines, including blood clots and heart disease, which have proved tragically prescient. Such scientists have been cancelled by Big Tech and attacked personally, including by Vegter. In May this year, a 44-year-old BBC presenter, Lisa Shaw, died from blood clots on the brain shortly after taking a Covid-19 vaccine; the coroner put down the vaccine as the cause of her death. A local doctor friend (not my regular doctor) told me a young healthy patient died shortly after the Covid-19 vaccine; she put down the cause of the death as the vaccine. AVBOB ordered her to change it. Would she have lost her licence if she had refused? How often is this happening in South Africa?

Another friend suffered a frightening breathing attack, like nothing that had happened to her before, shortly after the first of the two Pfizer jabs. She was too scared to take the second. What would have been written on her death certificate if she had had it and died? Yet another friend, for the first time in her life, suffered a massive rash all over her torso shortly after a Covid vaccine. Vegter says fears about the Covid vaccines are “absurd”. Perhaps he feels that anyone who says vaccinations in the past have been wonderful but that there are some teeny-weeny doubts about the Covid-19 vaccines must be mocked and howled down as an “ANTI-VAXXER” and “lunatic”.

The fact that I am not crippled with polio is probably because of childhood vaccination over 60 years ago. My yellow fever vaccine lasted for 10 years. It seems the Covid-19 vaccines only give protection for about six months. Hence the need for second, third, …, nth boosters. For the first two weeks after vaccination, your immune system is suppressed and your chances of getting Covid-19 increase. I believe some studies, often commissioned by the pharmaceutical companies themselves, omit the first two weeks from their trial test results. After two weeks, you have a reduced chance of getting Covid-19, of being ill with it and of dying with it. What happens after six months?

I notice that parts of the world such as Western Europe that have high vaccination rates have high Covid-19 rates, while parts such as Central Africa that have low vaccination rates have low Covid-19 rates. Natural immunity (after being infected) is much better than the temporary immunity from the vaccines (which only work on the specific spike protein). Covid-19 has a low mortality rate for healthy people under 60 years. They should not have been vaccinated and not been locked down. It is only the old and those with other disorders who should be vaccinated and protected.

I’m way over my 800-word nominal limit, and have not yet told of the reasons why I eventually took a Covid-19 vaccine; and why overwhelming evidence shows that the Covid-19 virus was indeed engineered in the Wuhan lab with the full approval and financial support of Dr Fauci of the US, and then accidentally escaped; and how the greatest economic system of all, capitalism, has been corrupted by Big Pharma. I hope the DF will publish this long piece, and I hope I may address the outstanding matters in another.

The views of the writer are not necessarily the views of the Daily Friend or the IRR

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Andrew Kenny is a writer, an engineer and a classical liberal.