Netflix’s first ever Arabic-language film, whose English title is ‘Perfect Strangers’, has sparked uproar among Egypt’s religiously conservative population.

The film, which is an Arabic adaptation of an Italian film of the same name, came under fire on social media for ‘seeking to spread deviant ideas’.

The film’s plot involves a group of friends at a dinner party playing a game in which they place their cell phones on the table and let everyone see their messages. Things take a dark turn when various secrets are revealed, including that one of the women is cheating on her husband, and that one of the attendees is gay.

Conservative lawyers have threatened legal action against the government if it does not ban the film. They went on to say that the film ‘spreads poison in society’ and that it ‘promotes homosexuality’.

Members of the ruling party in the House of Representatives have joined calls for the banning of the film.

