The leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, Julius Malema, has called on African countries which have French as their official language, to remove it.

This was one of eight demands that Malema and EFF supporters made during a march to the French embassy in Pretoria.

A key demand was the withdrawal of France from the African continent.

Said Malema: ‘We, as a generation of Freedom Fighters, reject and condemn the fact that decades after the declaration of the so-called independence of formerly colonised territories, colonisers continue to maintain colonial and neo-colonial relationships with African countries which are supposed to be free from colonial control.’

Other demands that the EFF made included that France stop all ‘colonial’ taxes and grant independence to all African countries. The EFF said France must also remove all its military bases from the continent as well as stop interfering in the economic affairs of African countries. The EFF also wants France to pay reparations.

Malema made the demands in English.
