Nothing could be more tragic than a country that has immense potential but is unaware of it, or that is aware of its greatness but is unsure about and scared of using it. This applies to us, the people of South Africa.

How afraid of ourselves have we become that we have practically allowed a group of people who, rather than striving to better the lives of all South Africans, have focused instead on their self-centered aspiration of enriching themselves, their family members, comrades, and anybody else who cares to lick their arses? 

This group of people is the ANC. And nobody can claim to be ignorant of the fact that the ANC of today is interested only in feeding itself.

How have we with our brilliant brains come to tolerate with individuals who obviously could not give a damn about South Africa and the people of South Africa at this time of such utter gloom?

Eskom is the pits. Our people are killing one another and being killed everywhere. Our brothers are abusing and too often killing our sisters in the most heinous ways. Some of our people miss their daily meal and go to bed hungry, not out of choice but because they are unable to make ends meet. Food costs more than ever. Life is costly. Jobs are non-existent. More and more of our people are experiencing or have experienced depression. Our people are killing themselves in increasing numbers. Graduates ponder what to do with their degrees as they sit, idle, with no opportunities to demonstrate their skills or their learning.


A water crisis besets us. Too many individuals are homeless – and despairing of ever getting the house the government has been promising for decades. The quality of our education is terrible. Our hospitals are awful, many of them so bad that people have good reason to fear that if they send their loved ones there for treatment, they either won’t come back alive or will come back in a worse condition than when they left. Most of the cops are no use. Too few of us have real-world, transferable skills that can be developed. The sum of all these things is proof that a crisis has struck. 


In the last several weeks, the ANC has been obsessing about who will end up holding the key positions within the party as it prepares for the next national elections in 2024.

For the ANC, getting ready for the 2024 elections only means taking care to be in the winning faction, or close to the comrades who look likely to gain positions of power – and thus access to the public wallet … assuming, as they do, that the majority of us, the people, vote to put the ANC back in government.

The fact is that the current ANC is solely focused on the key subject #HowDoWeEat. Anything else, such as crafting good policies and making sure that the public civil sector is as efficient and effective as it can be for the benefit of all South Africans, is a secondary goal to the core objective of putting money in their pockets and those of those around them.

Mafia organisation

It is past time for South Africans to recognise the reality that the ANC is no longer a legitimate political party but rather a mafia organisation involved in criminal syndicates, frequently at the expense of us, the citizens of this nation. Accepting this fact means that now is the time to oust the party that has betrayed so many of our individual and collective aspirations. We should no longer tolerate this behaviour from the ANC.

The sooner we recognise who we truly are, beyond the ANC’s deceptions, the better. Then, we shall be able to transform ours into a highly prosperous nation.

[Image: RÜŞTÜ BOZKUŞ from Pixabay]

The views of the writer are not necessarily the views of the Daily Friend or the IRR

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Tiego Thotse, the former Operations and Advocacy Manager of the Freedom Advocacy Network (FAN), a unit of the Institute of Race Relations, is the DA Youth Chairperson in Limpopo. His opinions are his alone and may not always reflect those of the DA.