The IEC has said that there is no danger of the 2024 elections being affected by the announcement of a state of disaster to deal with the ongoing energy crisis. This was according to Mosotho Moepya, the chair of the IEC.

Moepya was speaking at a meeting of the South African National Editors’ Forum.

Constitutionally, the elections have to be held no later than August next year.

Moepya was quoted as saying: ‘It will not even come close to us considering moving the election.’

However, he did note that loadshedding could affect the work of the IEC, such as counting votes at night.

There had been attempts to postpone the 2021 local government election, ostensibly as a result of he Covid-19 pandemic, but significant pushback by a number of organisations, including the IRR, saw the election go ahead within the constitutionally mandated timeframe.
