South Africa is becoming more corrupt.

This is according to the latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) published by Transparency International.

In 2023 South Africa’s score on the organisation’s CPI was 41 (the higher a country’s score, the less corrupt it is). This makes South Africa the 83rd least-corrupt country of those ranked by Transparency International, and it is ranked equally with Burkina Faso, Kosovo, and Vietnam.

In 2022 South Africa’s CPI score was 42.  It had been 43 in 2019, 2020, and 2021, showing that  perceptions about this country are that it is becoming more corrupt. However, Transparency International does note that small fluctuations in a country’s score are normally not significant. Nevertheless, South Africa’s low ranking is still something to be concerned about.

According to the CPI, the least corrupt country in the world is Denmark, while the most corrupt is Somalia.
