US Presidential hopeful Donald Trump was booed and heckled during a speech to the  Libertarian National Convention in Washington at the weekend.

According to The Guardian correspondent, David Smith, Trump’s “rare humiliation” included cries of “Bullshit!” and “Fuck you!”.

The former president had tried to win over the crowd’s support, saying: “The fact is we should not be fighting each other. If Joe Biden gets back in, there will be no more liberty for anyone in our country. Combine with us in a partnership – we’re asking that of the libertarians. We must work together. Combine with us. You have to combine with us.”

But, reports Smith, the appeal went down like a lead balloon as delegates booed, jeered and shouted insults, a “stunning rebuke for a man who has become accustomed to cult-like rallies where his every word is cheered to the echo”.

The Guardian notes that while the Libertarian party typically gains 3% or less of the national vote, its members could prove crucial in swing states this November.

[Image: M. H. from Pixabay]
