Health minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi’s remarks that opposition to the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme is simply warmed-up “swart gevaar” are disturbing and misguided, says the Institute of Race Relations (IRR). 

Motsoaledi reportedly made the remarks at the International Pharmaceutical Federation Conference in Cape Town.

In a statement, the IRR says “Motsoaledi’s playing of the race card to dismiss concerns around NHI is unfortunate”. 

“It is clear that there are serious concerns about implementing NHI, notably about the funding of the scheme. As it stands, funding NHI will require enormous tax increases, which few South Africans will be able to afford.

“In addition, it is disingenuous of Dr Motsoaledi to imply that it is only white South Africans who are concerned about the NHI scheme. Opposition to it has been raised by voices from across society.”

The statement notes that the IRR “has raised the alarm about how the scheme could imperil tax revenue – the NHI could be the proverbial last straw that impels overburdened taxpayers to consider emigrating.

“Instead of dismissing opposition to NHI as coming from racists who long for the dark days of apartheid or from people who have no concern for those who are less fortunate than they are, the minister should engage in good faith with those who are seeking to provide solutions to improve South African health care.”

The statement reiterates last week’s call to Motsoaledi to step away from NHI; fix public health care, and make quality private health care accessible to more South Africans.

In urging Motsoaledi “to turn off this reckless path before it is too late”, the IRR concludes: “All South Africans deserve quality health care, but NHI, which will destroy private health-care solutions, is not the way to do it.”
