Tensions are rising between China and the ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence alliance of the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

This comes after the five countries strongly criticized the Chinese government for new rules it had imposed in Hong Kong, which disqualified newly elected legislators in the city. Earlier this month four Hong Kong legislators were expelled from the city’s legislative assembly. A new resolution from Beijing gave the city government the power to dismiss legislators who are deemed a threat to national security. In response, all the assembly’s pro-democracy legislators resigned en masse.

Last week a Chinese government spokesman, Zhao Lijian, told journalists in Beijing that if the five countries ‘dared harm China’s sovereignty, they should beware that their eyes could be blinded’. According to the BBC he also said that the Chinese do not create trouble but they are also not afraid of it.

Tensions have been on the rise between China and the West for some time. Beijing has also in recent months moved to restrict freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong, although these are – in theory – supposed to be maintained until at least 2047.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
