United States attorney-general Bob Barr says there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the US presidential election last month.

This goes against the claims of his boss, President Donald Trump, who lost to challenger Joe Biden, but has said that vote was ‘stolen’.

Barr has been a strong ally of Trump, and also raised concerns about mail-in ballots before the election. However, according to the Financial Times, he has said that there is no evidence of widespread fraud. He said: ‘To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.’

Two Trump allies who have been leading the legal charge in favour of the president, Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, disagreed with Barr and said he did not have enough knowledge about the extent of voter fraud.

Official results show Joe Biden won nearly 81 million votes against Trump’s 74 million. The electoral college officially meets later this month and Joe Biden is expected to be confirmed as the winner. He will be inaugurated in January next year, with the 78-year-old being the oldest man ever to become US president.
