Heath Streak, the former Zimbabwean cricket captain, has been banned from all cricket activities for eight years by the International Cricket Council (ICC).

The ICC found that Streak had passed on information to alleged betting syndicates while he was coaching Zimbabwe and when he was involved in a number of T20 leagues. He also introduced representatives of betting syndicates to players and failed to disclose gifts and payments he received.

The ICC claimed that Streak had also attempted to hamper their investigation by deleting phone messages and colluding with his contact, known as ‘Mr X’. 

In a statement, Alex Marshall, the general manager of the ICC’s integrity unit said: ‘As a former captain and coach, he held a position of trust and owed a duty to uphold the integrity of the game. He breached the Code on several occasions, including facilitating the approach of four other players. At times, he also sought to obstruct and delay our investigation. The offences did not affect the outcomes of any relevant matches and Mr Streak has agreed to assist the ICC anti-corruption education programme for which we are grateful. He has also expressed his remorse and contrition and entered this agreed sanction decision to avoid the need for a full disciplinary process. The sanction reflects this cooperation.’

Streak is widely considered one of Zimbabwe’s greatest cricketers. In 65 Tests he took 216 wickets, a Zimbabwean record. No other Zimbabwean has taken more than 100 Test wickets. He also played nearly 200 one-day internationals and took 237 wickets, another national record. Streak was also a decent batsman and has a Test century, scored against the West Indies in Harare in 2003.

Following his retirement from playing he went into coaching.

The news will be a shock to Zimbabwean cricket fans and will remind South Africans of when the late Hansie Cronje, South Africa’s cricket captain, was unmasked as a cheat, over 20 years ago.
