Articles By This Author

Pelosi calls for boycott of China’s Winter Olympics


Concerns of China’s human rights abuses have prompted US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to call for a diplomatic boycott of next year’s Winter Olympics in

WC government unveils inclusionary housing policy framework


Partnerships with the private sector are central to a new draft policy framework in the Western Cape aimed at providing more affordable and ‘inclusionary’ housing

Japanese hesitant about hosting Olympics – survey


A new poll in Japan shows 80% of Japanese oppose hosting the Olympics this year. The Tokyo Games, postponed last year because of the pandemic,

Vaccine passports ‘inevitable’ – report


Covid passports are the only way to restart mass foreign travel, according to the chief executive of the world’s busiest airport. Dubai Airports chief executive

CRT, race-based policy at odds with what most South Africans want – IRR


The tenets of Critical Race Theory act as the “lynchpin” theory underpinning BEE policy, and in practice serve to silence the voices of most South

Divisions in OIC over Gaza conflict


The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has condemned Israel for its actions in the current round of violence in Gaza – although shifting geopolitical

Zimbabwe High Court retires Chief Justice


The High Court of Zimbabwe ruled on Saturday that Chief Justice Luke Malaba’s tenure had come to an end – despite President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s having

Analysts analyse Ace


Political analyst Sipho Seepe says the step aside resolution has little to do with the cleaning of corruption, but to settle political score, according to

ANC wants SABC to give it unfair advantage


The ANC plans to approach the SABC to seek more airtime from the public broadcaster to spread its “propaganda” in the lead-up to this year’s

Mayor is a ‘delinquent driver’


The mayor of the Umzimvubu Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape, Sobane Mnukwa, is in trouble following a car accident – his second in a