Articles By This Author

Minerals Council dismisses claims about mining being a Covid-19 ‘epicentre’


The Minerals Council South Africa this week dismissed claims that the mining industry was a South African ‘epicentre’ for the Covid-19 pandemic. In a press

Will the alcohol ban be reinstated?


The prohibition on the sale of liquor as part of the lockdown, recently relaxed as South Africa moved to Level 3, may be reinstated –

North Korea halts all communication with South Korea


The North Korean government has said it will cut all communication lines with the South Korean government in response to the South allowing defectors to

Model predicts up to 6 000 Eastern Cape deaths – report


Worries are mounting in the Eastern Cape over a provincial command council report that says the province could see as many as 6 000 Covid-19 deaths

Mashaba fingered for wrongdoing as mayor: Public Protector


A preliminary report from the Public Protector has made a number of adverse findings on the conduct of former City of Johannesburg (CoJ) mayor Herman

Cigarette court challenge takes centre stage as virus deaths exceed 1 000


One of the most contentious elements of the government’s stringent lockdown – the ban on the sale of tobacco products – goes to court today.

Eskom must explain R4bn overpayment – MPs


Parliament’s Standing Committee on Appropriations says Eskom must account for the alleged erroneous payment made to a contractor. It emerged that Eskom had overpaid an

China’s ‘callous’ justification of authoritarianism – Pompeo


United States secretary of state Mike Pompeo has delivered a stinging response to China over what he calls the Chinese Communist Party’s ‘callous exploitation of

National ministers to be deployed to WC – report


Cabinet ministers are to be sent to the Western Cape to boost the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a report in the Sunday

UCT’s ‘scholarly intolerance’ slammed


Highly regarded and widely published University of Cape Town academic Professor Nicoli Nattrass has slammed the university’s executive for its ‘rushed, error-filled hatchet job’ in