
This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. May 25th 1953 – Nuclear weapons testing: At the Nevada Test Site,

Has the ANC leopard changed its NDR spots?


Seeming discord between the ANC and EFF The ANC seems to be distancing itself from the EFF’s demand that the Ad Hoc Committee responsible for

The Economic Consequences of Minister Ebrahim Patel


Many countries have trade and industry ministers that either have commercial experience or, at least, have some understanding of business. Around the world this portfolio is

Sights on citizens: Guns, government and self-defence


To be honest, I don’t like guns, even hunting rifles for that matter. This is mostly because, first, I don’t like wildlife hunting, and, second

They’re coming for your guns


The petty tyrant occupying the seat of the Ministry of Police has revived a much-derided draft amendment bill that would exclude self-defence as a valid

Radical economic transformation carries on regardless


Ace may be in, Ace may be out, but radical economic transformation will be carried on anyway. Cyril Ramaphosa’s apparent victory over Ace Magashule has

Reality jab on the vaccination front line


As I said to Husband Number 2 on Tuesday night, it’s your turn. He went into the kitchen to prepare supper while I reclined on

The truth about the Rwanda genocide


The gullible Western world has for too long swallowed the lies about the 1994 Rwandan genocide from President Paul Kagame’s propaganda machine. In this atrocity,

Disaster rates exemption: a clear win-win


It is sobering to realise that when the latest extension of South Africa’s State of Disaster ends on 15 June – and there’s every likelihood

The media and ethnic division


Over the past 20 years the IRR has commissioned seven opinion surveys on race relations. All seven reveal that the proportion of black Africans (blacks)