Climate facts belie the climate scares and climate forecasts


Facebook recently extended its ‘climate science information centre’ to South Africa, inter alia informing us that ‘heatwaves, droughts, and wildfires’ have become ‘more frequent and

A racist white, or a corrupt black?


A white man, Andre de Ruyter, was appointed CEO of Eskom in January 2020. And guess what? He has been accused of ‘racism’ by a

Whom do you believe?


Somebody is lying – that much is clear. The context is Audi alteram partem, one of the three principles of natural justice, namely, let the

Mountains to climb for the Official Opposition


Yeats seems to have presaged the political anarchy we are currently facing in South Africa today when he wrote the lines … ‘Things fall apart;

A 12th century libel for a 21st century pandemic


The rise in antisemitism around the world in the last decade has been staggering. It has emanated from the Left and the Right, and from

ANC corruption is destroying higher education


Irregular spending, corruption and mismanagement by the ANC government have drained the resources of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), which is meant to

SAtired – edition four


Hello and welcome! This little column will present politics at its most absurd. SAtired supports freedom of speech, small government and free markets. This means we’re centrists.

Tax and the broken social contract


Last year, the SA Revenue Service put out an advert to the country’s taxpayers. Against the background of footage meant to invoke the Covid-19 pandemic,

Gates should fight, not fund, ‘anti-racist math practice’


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funded a radical-left fringe group that believes mathematics, as it is presently taught, is racist. This is a


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 5th March 1046 – Nasir Khusraw begins the seven-year Middle Eastern journey