Thoughts from a grim alternative reality


Amerika was one of the more evocative television events of the later 1980s. Originally broadcast over seven nights in 1987, it depicted life in the

Daily Maverick hit-piece on Panda is embarrassingly poor


Weaving a web of supposed connections of which any conspiracy theorist would be proud, Nafeez Ahmed and Rebecca Davis tried to paint anti-lockdown lobby group


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 28th February 1993 – The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)

Invective no answer to obvious unconstitutionality


Patricia de Lille, minister of public works and infrastructure, relies on invective, insult, and falsehood – rather than the ‘fact’ and ‘honesty’ she claims– in

Why is South Africa’s growth rate so feeble?


There will be no immediate recovery for the South African economy from the last year of lockdown. This year the South African Treasury predicts the

Cape Town’s metered taxi decision violates DA’s own principles


The City of Cape Town has placed a ‘moratorium on new operating licences to ensure sustainability of metered taxi industry’. Since when is that government’s

Fossil fuels help to feed the planet and also to make it greener


‘Climate change is already affecting agriculture and food security, which will make the challenge of ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable

Hurry up and wait


You can almost bet on it. The minute there’s a rash of renaming some new government corruption scandal will come to light. So it came

Budget bottom line: SA is living on borrowed time


Finance Minister Tito Mboweni and the government he serves are increasingly living on borrowed time. In the absence of growth-enhancing policy reforms and fiscal prudence,

Water crisis is not looming, it’s here


Friends drove down to the Eastern Cape recently and travelled through some of its truly beautiful mountain passes. They noted that the commercial farms looked