What did the Land Acts actually say, and what is ‘land reform’ actually about?


Last week my colleague Anthea Jeffery reminded us that the deputy president, David Mabuza, had said that the Expropriation Bill currently before Parliament was necessary

Losing our way by indulging ideals


Future generations are unlikely to be impressed by how today’s global challenges are being navigated today. It will be noted that South Africa’s stumbling transition

The Paris Climate Accord: Scientific folly


The most frightening thing about the climate scare is the assault on science. It is not just that climate alarmists usually have no qualifications in

Vaccines: uncontested research cannot be lightly dismissed


As the creator of the six email shots that the Daily Friend sends out every week, I receive a few emails directly from readers over

Remembering the future: state vs people


‘Liberation’-era South Africa has reached its ‘apartheid’ moment in what is turning out to be something of a climax in the government’s now three-year drive

Can independents make an impact?


Last week Mmusi Maimane, the former leader of the Democratic Alliance (DA) and now Chief Activist of the One South Africa movement, announced that his

The Springboks’ excellence: an object lesson


One of the great lessons I took away from the Springbok World Cup triumph in 2019, and some of the racial criticisms levelled at the

When democracy works: The case of Kaohsiung


Democracy is not a perfect system – and South Africans needn’t look far beyond our borders to realise this. Indeed, cases of ‘bad democracy’ seem

Great Reset proves elites don’t like free markets


Free market principles are often dismissed as benefiting the rich at the expense of the poor. Why, then, do so many of the world’s actual

Understanding the Expropriation Bill


Explaining the ‘deeper meanings’ behind events is the stock-in-trade of journalists, academics and analysts. It is the nature of this work not only to describe