Plus ça change …


There’s something fascinating about President Cyril Ramaphosa’s hype about investment in South Africa in his weekly From the desk of the president of 16 November,

Editorial: Where we stand


The Daily Friend is encouraged by the robust responses from readers to our recent coverage of the presidential election in the United States, with often

The case for opening the beaches


The shutdown of international travel in response to the Covid-19 epidemic has been a disaster for South Africa’s tourism industry. International tourist arrivals have fallen

Fundamentally back to front


Getting firms and entrepreneurs, be they local or foreign, to commit their money to the country will be an indispensable part of building a worthwhile

Kudos to Mboweni for relaxing exchange controls


One doesn’t often get to praise an authoritarian socialist, but Tito Mboweni deserves credit for making progress on relaxing South Africa’s restrictive and out-dated foreign


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 16th November 1938 – LSD is first synthesized by Albert Hofmann from

Whistle-blowers force IEC backtrack – but for how long?


The Electoral Laws Amendment Bill of 2020 is to be amended so as to give the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) no more than the capacity

Reserve Bank nationalisation: bad for SA


‘The IRR opposes adoption of the South African Reserve Bank Amendment Bill because it is bad for the Reserve Bank and it is bad for

Should we be optimistic?


Global economic sentiment is showing signs of improving in the aftermath of the US election and the positive clinical trial results of two Covid-19 vaccines.

Lockdown turned out to be counter-productive


South African scientists recently told the media that lockdown may have accelerated the spread of coronavirus, causing a surprisingly high level of herd immunity. This