US result shows how left-wing media bias has tainted America


Polling in the final week before the US election yesterday suggested that Joe Biden would win the popular vote by a landslide. The Real Clear

US result shows how left-wing media bias has tainted America


Polling in the final week before the US election yesterday suggested that Joe Biden would win the popular vote by a landslide. The Real Clear

The ever-rising cost of Covid-19: Sacrifices without end


The world is in for the long haul in living with the Covid-19 pandemic. Vaccines, when they are approved, will face delays in manufacture and

The ever-rising cost of Covid-19: Sacrifices without end


The world is in for the long haul in living with the Covid-19 pandemic. Vaccines, when they are approved, will face delays in manufacture and

What America needs


Another American election day dawns, pitting the two-party state’s worst candidates against each other. What the US needs is neither Biden, nor Trump, but ranked

Changing the country’s voting method to keep the ANC in power


The African National Congress (ANC) is so concerned that it could be voted out of power in the 2024 general election that it is trying

What America needs


Another American election day dawns, pitting the two-party state’s worst candidates against each other. What the US needs is neither Biden, nor Trump, but ranked

Changing the country’s voting method to keep the ANC in power


The African National Congress (ANC) is so concerned that it could be voted out of power in the 2024 general election that it is trying

The trouble with Mmusi’s letter


I learnt of Mmusi Maimane’s letter to his white compatriots from the Daily Friend article, Mmusi Maimane and the illusion of race. From its very

An open letter to Mmusi Maimane


Dear Mr Maimane Last month you published a letter to ‘dear white South Africans’, of which I happen to be one. You thereby played the