Climate: fake news and false alarms fuel the frenzy


Once upon a time there was a British newspaper that believed in free markets and limited government. Not any more. The Economist now favours ‘re-wiring’

Climate: fake news and false alarms fuel the frenzy


Once upon a time there was a British newspaper that believed in free markets and limited government. Not any more. The Economist now favours ‘re-wiring’

Nuclear, good engineering and corruption


If you take the West Coast road from Cape Town to Saldanha Bay, you might be slowed down by a huge trailer carrying a massive



I took advantage of the easing of lockdown restrictions two weeks ago and headed off on holiday. Not that I’d been having such a bad

AgriSA and Senekal: lessons from history


In 2008, philosopher Dan Ariely published the book, Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. As the title states, it is a study

Nuclear, good engineering and corruption


If you take the West Coast road from Cape Town to Saldanha Bay, you might be slowed down by a huge trailer carrying a massive



I took advantage of the easing of lockdown restrictions two weeks ago and headed off on holiday. Not that I’d been having such a bad

AgriSA and Senekal: lessons from history


In 2008, philosopher Dan Ariely published the book, Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. As the title states, it is a study

South Africa’s departing elites: a critical warning sign


The past decade has seen a rapid decline in the number of dollar millionaires living in South Africa. Not only does this represent a loss

Common purpose, social justice, and ambiguity


‘The rhetoric of hatred must be replaced with a call to action with common purpose.’ Branko Brkic, All we need is Hope, Daily Maverick (4