GOOD intentions lost on a forgotten electorate


‘That which purifies us is trial, and trial is by what is contrary’ John Milton, Areopagitica (1644) Counterpoint, an occasional feature on the Daily Friend,

Affirmative Action is good for you, but not for me


The Democratic Alliance (DA) has at last rejected racial preferencing as a matter of policy, and will now help those in need regardless of colour.

GOOD intentions lost on a forgotten electorate


‘That which purifies us is trial, and trial is by what is contrary’ John Milton, Areopagitica (1644) Counterpoint, an occasional feature on the Daily Friend,

Up in the air: not where SA’s transport priorities lie


In the quagmire of failed state-owned airlines, SA Express, now in provisional liquidation, is to be saved from final liquidation. The liquidators have approved a

Dangerous misconceptions about property rights


Misconceptions over property rights are widespread in South Africa, a fundamental misunderstanding being that ‘property rights’ refer only to real estate. This is not the

We cannot redistribute SA into prosperity


South Africans cannot be redistributed into prosperity. At the current pace, the debt-to-GDP ratio will eclipse 100% – and the desire to simply print more

Up in the air: not where SA’s transport priorities lie


In the quagmire of failed state-owned airlines, SA Express, now in provisional liquidation, is to be saved from final liquidation. The liquidators have approved a

Dangerous misconceptions about property rights


Misconceptions over property rights are widespread in South Africa, a fundamental misunderstanding being that ‘property rights’ refer only to real estate. This is not the

We cannot redistribute SA into prosperity


South Africans cannot be redistributed into prosperity. At the current pace, the debt-to-GDP ratio will eclipse 100% – and the desire to simply print more

On the crisis in Camps Bay, and why it matters


At first glance, a mansion with a sea view in Camps Bay may be an unlikely setting for South Africa’s fractious ‘land politics’ to play