Time for a foreign policy reset in SA’s engagement with Africa


‘That which purifies us is trial, and trial is by what is contrary’ John Milton, Areopagitica (1644) Counterpoint, a new occasional feature on the Daily Friend, seeks

Facing the apocalypse


There is something of an apocalyptic air in South Africa at the moment. Understand what that means, both in its etymology and popular association. An


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 27th June 1950 – United States forces intervene in Korean War Following

A growing list of ‘off-limit’ topics


Helen Zille, the Democratic Alliance’s federal council chairperson, has recently been castigated for tweets flagging the failures of the African National Congress’s (ANC) ‘armed struggle’

Zimbabwe: The long collapse


The recent economic history of Zimbabwe demonstrates that a crisis can drag on for decades without a turnaround. For much of the past 25 years,

From Ramaboom to Ramabust


It’s January 2018. The country has just experienced an exciting and close-run political fight for the leadership of the ruling party with outsider Cyril Ramaphosa

Ismail Lagardien is wrong about libertarians and liberals


In a grudging concession to ‘the libertarians’, to whom he attributes the slow easing of the coronavirus lockdown, Ismail Lagardien reveals much about the gulf

Five reasons why taxis are breaking Covid-19 regulations, and why they have a point


The South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) and the National Taxi Alliance (NTA) decided this week to ignore the Covid-19 transport regulations. As of yesterday

Which side of history is the right one?


The Guardian, a one-time liberal British newspaper that is now very woke, green, and Brussophile, recently took the opportunity to throw a hissy fit against

‘The people’: just what apartheid’s ideologues intended


One of the neatest political ripostes of the dying days of apartheid was the graffito that appeared in central Cape Town just hours after police