Lockdown failures and distorted fears


The ANC government and many other commentators have stoked enormous fears about Covid-19, while a recent model – developed by the Covid-19 consortium advising the

Food for the Desperate: Court saves the day from Official Overreach


Many of South Africa’s lockdown measures have been a combination of the bizarre and the misguided, albeit with evident reasons. Then there are others that

Dark clouds over lockdown relaxation


Much of the country heaved a sigh of relief at the news that lockdown restrictions would be significantly eased from 1 June, but the economic

Covid-19 and the lockdown show scrutiny and reflection more important than ever


Nicholas Lorimer and Terence Corrigan With President Cyril Ramaphosa’s address on Sunday evening, the lockdown of the economy was – by all outward appearances at

Will lockdown regulations go the way of their apartheid lookalikes?


One of the things that destroyed apartheid was that more and more people stopped obeying its regulations and prohibitions. The same seems to be happening

Right of Reply: Humility, and less certainty about being right, critical to reaching common understanding of Covid-19 epidemic


Max Price I write this in response to Gabriel Crouse’s Much Worse than you Think, published by the Daily Friend on 19 May, to make

Would you trust this government?


Last week I decided to put up a poll on Twitter. Now I am not claiming that there was anything scientific about it and I

The people must lead the battle to save lives and livelihoods


Few things are more important right now than figuring out (using actual figures) whether lockdown works. As our lockdown strains the fabric of society and

Would Ramaphosa have been better than President Mbeki in 1999?


My regard for Cyril Ramaphosa has never been lower than now, with his disastrous handling of the Covid-19 epidemic. His lockdown will kill far more

Muted criticism of government does everyone a disservice


One of the most fascinating things about the current lockdown has been how many in the media have fallen in line with the government, with