Would you trust this government?


Last week I decided to put up a poll on Twitter. Now I am not claiming that there was anything scientific about it and I

The people must lead the battle to save lives and livelihoods


Few things are more important right now than figuring out (using actual figures) whether lockdown works. As our lockdown strains the fabric of society and

Would Ramaphosa have been better than President Mbeki in 1999?


My regard for Cyril Ramaphosa has never been lower than now, with his disastrous handling of the Covid-19 epidemic. His lockdown will kill far more

Muted criticism of government does everyone a disservice


One of the most fascinating things about the current lockdown has been how many in the media have fallen in line with the government, with

Why South Africa has been lacking a growth plan


President Cyril Ramaphosa recently said: ‘We are going to have to go for growth in a big and exponential way, and be willing and be

Saving South Africa without destroying it


‘It became necessary to destroy the town to save it’ is a widely known quote cited by journalist Peter Arnett about the Vietnam War. Attributed


This Week in History recalls memorable and decisive events and personalities of the past. 16th May 1918 – The Sedition Act of 1918 is passed in the United

‘Lives versus lives’, not ‘profits versus lives’


The government has finally released a mathematical model showing the number of Covid-19 deaths it expects in the next six months. The model predicts 40

The dismal failure of the tobacco ban


While not entirely unexpected, the speed and extent with which the prohibition on tobacco products has failed is startling. About 90% of surveyed smokers continued

Depression and misery: deeper and deeper


The scale of the economic devastation from South Africa’s severe lockdown regime is fast becoming apparent. The longer and tighter the lockdown, the more the