The costs of our endless wrestling


Just over two years ago, I began an article with a fragment from a 1973 Philip Larkin poem, a sketch from another time, as I

Council for Medical Schemes shows its hand in low-cost benefits ruling


In early December, the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) published a circular prohibiting South African medical aids from offering Low-Cost Benefit Options to low-income market

Richard Maponya would have had to battle the ANC too


In his tribute to Richard Maponya, the doyen of black business who died earlier this month, Cyril Ramaphosa said he “was of that rare breed

The gambler’s dilemma


I’m not a regular visitor to casinos. However, like many South Africans no doubt, I have been lured at some time in the past to

Trouble in the Middle East


Every year, astrologers and fortune tellers, drawing on supernatural powers, make this prediction for the New Year: “There’s going to be trouble in the Middle

Cricket, race, and obsessions


If anyone thought 2020 would be the year when South Africans stopped being obsessed about race, they were wrong. The year began with more arguments

EWC: the next instalment


At the beginning of last year, I wrote that 2018 had – in movie terms – unfolded as a cliffhanger. In its plotline, the government

Revolution still the ANC’s priority, rather than reform


South Africa remains in crisis at the start of this new year. It confronts a flailing Eskom and the prospect of persistent (often Stage 6)

The myths – and horrors – of communism


Daily Friend columnist Andrew Kenny and I entered into an unintended competition for whose holiday reading was the most depressing. Andrew read The Gulag Archipelago

Boris Johnson strikes two blows for democracy


Ridiculed and even despised by many British and other political commentators, Boris Johnson has struck two decisive blows for democracy. In the first place, his