What is the DA waiting for on race?


Last week Geordin Hill-Lewis, shadow finance minister in the Democratic Alliance (DA), wrote that South Africa was ‘trapped’ in an ‘obsession with race-based transformation policies’.

Cyril pulls a bunny out of the hat


It’s been a wild week in the wacky world of international finance. No sooner had Moody’s adjusted our financial health outlook from stable to negative

Any lessons from the Rugby World Cup?


The final of the Rugby World Cup was of special interest to me because I watched it in a rough little pub only a few

Obsessive racial bean-counting benefits nobody


A bizarre piece of news came out of the Fairest Cape recently. It was reported that the Cape Cobras, the Cape Town-based franchise cricket side,

Alarm in Washington: another front in the Expropriation without Compensation battle?


South Africa’s relationship with the United States, long a complicated one, has been thrown into sharp focus by the announcement from the office of the

Three sacred cows to line up for the slaughter


Last week’s mini budget laid out in stark statistics the magnitude of South Africa’s accelerating economic crisis. Finance minister Tito Mboweni expects a revenue shortfall

Time to say ‘No!’ to destructive racialism


Shortly after the 2004 general election, the National Party (NP) died in the arms of the African National Congress (ANC). Looking at the obsession of

Your team is ready and waiting, Cyril


Long into the afternoon, hours after the final whistle blew in Yokohama on Saturday, there were still intermittent bursts of delirious hooting on the freeway

When opinion parts company with facts


It has been disturbing to see how seasoned mainstream journalists have responded to and interpreted the events surrounding the Democratic Alliance (DA) in the past

Sometimes you need to do some purging


Last week it was reported that the price of Sasol shares had ‘soared’ after the heads of several top executives had ‘rolled’ following an independent