Two Crickets – The Fuel of Life


Nick and Gabriel discuss a range of topics, recent events, and the importance of recognizing your own flaws.

TDF Show – Is Twitter killing South African journalism?


Michael Morris, Nicholas Lorimer and Marius Roodt discuss the habit of many South African journalists resorting to using Twitter arguments for news stories. They also

TDF Show – Town under siege in the Northern Cape


Gabriel Crouse, Terence Corrigan and Nicholas Lorimer discuss the alarming tensions in Prieska, a small town in the Northern Cape, over control of the local

TDF Show – Is DD in the doo doo?


Nicholas Lorimer, Sara Gon and Hermann Pretorius discuss the accusations that Deputy President David Mabuza took a bribe in the construction of Eskom power plants.

TDF Show – Ramaphosa at the Zondo commission


Michael Morris, Gabriel Crouse and Nicholas Lorimer discuss the testimony by president Cyril Ramaphosa at the Zondo Commission. They also talk about a fight at

TDF Show – Tokyo Sexwale’s R41 quadrillion heist


The Daily Friend crew discusses the strange allegations by Tokyo Sexwale about money being stolen in incredible amounts, the hiring of Cuban engineers to help

TDF Show – Police failure: The story of Piet Retief


Nicholas Lorimer, asks Gabriel Crouse and Terence Corrigan for their views on the murder trial underway in Piet Retief/Mkhondo: what are the facts of the

TDF Show – South African wealth: A decade of destruction


Bheki Mahlobo, Marius Roodt, and Nicholas Lorimer discuss a report which suggests that South Africa’s wealth has dropped by 25% over the last decade. They

TDF Show – IRR reporter attacked in Piet Retief


Nicholas Lorimer, Hermann Pretorius, and Sara Gon discuss the attack on IRR journalist, Gabriel Crouse, whilst investigating a story in Piet Retief/Mkhondo. They also see