Articles By This Author

Before you give up smoking, think again!


In 1946, tobacco companies used medical professionals to promote their product, going so far as to place an ad that read: “More doctors smoke Camel

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but …


Have you noticed how many people, when discussing the assassination attempt on former US Donald Trump, start the conversation with: “I am not a conspiracy

Last words and final feasts


In 2008 China shocked the world with its Olympic opening ceremony. It grabbed the whole world by its pussy without being rude. Everyone expected the

“Adapt or die!” We didn’t really adapt, did we?


We often say: “The ANC has had 30 years to govern, but hasn’t fixed the country yet.”  We shake our heads at how unevolved ANC

I wish I was a slut


Having been a woman now for long enough and looking back, there are two main areas of improvement I would concentrate on if I had

Why did Moses have only 10 rules, but we have thousands?


Life might have been harder in the times of Moses, but it was simpler: Move towards a promised land, move away from an evil persecutor,

How do you explain bitcoin to a Pick n Pay teller?


Earlier this week I bought groceries at the Pick n Pay with Bitcoin. It was my first time. I felt as it must have felt

The Lesson of the Golden Chicken


Easter Egg hunts in my family were robust events. Ostensibly about the search for sugar in sparkly wrapping, they were also about checking to see

The great trek back


The Boers left the Cape in 1838 because they were unhappy with the governance. We are glad to see you have learned your lesson now

The one thing we have to thank the ANC for


The ANC-led government has taken a functioning country and turned it into near-ruins. They take no personal responsibility for it. Truth be told, they appear