Lesufi bemoans public views on ANC

Panyaza Lesufi, Gauteng MEC and ANC provincial deputy chairperson, has expressed disappointment at the hostility and ridicule to which he and his party have been subjected on social media – including telling the party to ‘voetsek’.

In comments published by City Press, he said that he had spoken at the funeral of ANC veteran Andrew Mlangeni, and had voiced concerns about the moral state of the party. Shortly afterwards, many people were shocked at revelations that politically connected individuals had secured lucrative contracts to deal with the COVID 19 pandemic, as well as the lackadaisical approach to mask wearing and distancing that was evident at the funeral.

Lesufi said that prior to 1994, activists had ridiculed homeland leaders. This was now being done to the ANC. There was palpable anger over corruption and maladministration.

He indicated that the ANC would need to look at its shortcomings seriously.

‘I don’t take anyone seriously who says the apartheid government was better than an ANC government,’ he said, ‘but maybe we need to stop talking about how many houses we’ve built and talk instead about how many people still need houses, water and electricity.

‘No matter how good we may sound, if the elephant in the room [corruption] isn’t dealt with, people won’t see the good we’re doing. When they read the Auditor-General’s reports about wastage, irregular expenditure and other wrongdoing, it erodes public confidence in us,’ he added.
