Mounting public frustration at South Africa’s mishandling of the vaccination drive against the spread of Covid-19 infections – as much as the docility of the many who are willing to accept this shoddy state of affairs without protest – is reflected in the following candid Facebook post by journalist Viv Vermaak, published here with her permission.

Viv Vermaak

What bothers me about the vaccination “rollout” the most.

That there is a ‘rollout’ in the first place – instead of an open market. These things, in all its variants, should be available at the blooming Clicks, like the flu vaccine.

 People should be able to pick whether they want an mRNA one, one with an adjuvant or an old school vaccine. Or wait for the ‘new and improved’ version or they go on special.

 The vaccines are available, people who want it will pay for it – let them get on with it. Watch how quickly medical professionals and the existing infrastructure sorts it out. People will be buying for themselves, their families and their workers. Those without resources will now wait in a much shorter government queue.

We need the smokers and dronkies to get involved here. Those addicts kicked up such a fuss when the government decided where and when they got their fix, even Kopdoek relented. They demanded that they had made their own ‘risk-benefit’ analysis and wanted their shit. Yet, here we are, grateful for every slow trickle spat in our faces, wallowing in self-pity and fear.

Where are the people calling for non-government interference in vaccines?

Where are the ‘Free our Vaccines’ movements?

Nee, fok, ouens. We must grow some balls here.

There is enough evidence that it can be beneficial. There is enough data that it might be harmful. Take your pick.

I am pissed off that my choice cannot even be executed. I don’t even have the opportunity to say “No.”  It is an important right. Fight for it.


*Republished with the writer’s permission.

[Image: Wilfried Pohnke from Pixabay]

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