Telkom has announced that Serame Taukobong will replace Sipho Maseko as group Chief Executive Officer of the telecommunications giant.

Taukobong will be appointed officially from 1 October, and will take over once Maseko’s tenure ends on 30 June 2022.

Taukobong is a member of Telkom’s executive team, having headed the mobile division for the past three years. He is credited with growing Telkom’s mobile business from 5 million to over 15 million subscribers.

Telkom said that, over his eight-year term, Maseko had ‘turned the business around and evolved it from a traditional fixed business to a portfolio of businesses (comprising) mobile, IT, wholesale infrastructure business, and the masts and tower portfolio’.

‘Under his leadership, the group has had many remarkable strategic achievements in the execution of its broadband-led strategy which are reflected in the group’s current healthy position,’ Telkom said.

The company’s mobile business grew to be the third largest in South Africa under Maseko, generating approximately R20 billion in revenue.

Maseko also oversaw Telkom’s change from ADSL to fibre. The company said more homes were now connected via fibre than via copper cabling.

[Image: Thomas Breher from Pixabay]
