Former South African Revenue Service (SARS) executive Johann van Loggerenberg’s home was broken into yesterday morning, just days after fellow state capture whistleblower Themba Maseko’s house was burgled.

Van Loggerenberg’s home was burgled early on Tuesday by criminals he believed might have an ulterior motive, according to News24.

‘I have reason to suspect there is a possibility that it was no ordinary crime,’ he said, adding that there were very distinct indicators backing his theory.

‘I am deliberately not explaining these as it may be of value to the police that are investigating the matter.’

The criminals managed to steal copies of certain documents, while proper records are safely kept elsewhere.

Fin24 reported that Maseko’s home was broken into on Friday morning while he and his wife were asleep.

Maseko said he believed the break-in was related to his role as a whistleblower.

Both men were key witnesses in the evidence captured in the first volume of the State Capture Inquiry report.

Van Loggerenberg testified on SARS and State Intelligence Services at the inquiry. He was also a complainant and state witness in matters under investigation by the Inspector-General of Intelligence and the Independent Directorate of the National Prosecuting Authority.

‘I am part of an organised support group of Survivors of State Capture at the South African Revenue Service, and an organised civil society group of Zondo Commission whistleblowers,’ he said.

‘I can tell the public that many of us in these groups have for many years been and remain fearful and concerned for our safety and security. It has always remained up to us to ensure our own safety… It is no secret that whistleblowers in South Africa remain under severe and constant strain on many levels, with absolutely no support from the government.’
