We present the podcasts of the weekly IRR Show on Chai FM. The show is broadcast live every Tuesday from 09h00 to 10h00 on Chai FM 101.9 and deals with the politics of the day and related issues. We also include an interview with an interesting guest.

If you want to listen to previous podcasts they can be found on Chai FM at https://www.chaifm.com/irr-show/ or click on ‘Authors’ and go to ‘Sara Gon’.

Sara talks about her experience of attending the Alliance for Responsible Citizenry Conference 2025 – its noble aim to create better, more successful and free societies, and some reservations.


Rants professionally to rail against the illiberalism of everything. Broke out of 17 years in law to pursue a classical music passion by managing the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra and more. Working with composer Karl Jenkins was a treat. Used to camping in the middle of nowhere. Have 2 sons who have inherited a fair amount of "rant-ability" themselves.