Air Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe’s national airline, has been banned from flying in EU airspace because it does not meet international safety standards.

TimesLIVE reveals that the struggling airline is listed on the EU Commission air safety list of carriers  banned or restricted from operating in the EU. More than 100 airlines have been listed, among them 21 Russian-certified airlines.  

The commission said the 117 airlines are banned for ‘not meeting international safety standards’.

The commission said in a statement: ‘Ninety airlines certified in 15 different states, due to inadequate safety oversight by the aviation authorities from these states; 21 airlines certified in Russia, as well as six individual airlines from other states, based on serious safety deficiencies identified: Avior Airlines (Venezuela), Blue Wing Airlines (Suriname), Iran Aseman Airlines (Iran), Iraqi Airways (Iraq), Med-View Airlines (Nigeria) and Air Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe).’

‘Two additional airlines are subject to operational restrictions and can only fly to the EU with specific aircraft types: Iran Air (Iran) and Air Koryo (North Korea),’ according to the EU communique.

The commission said the updated EU safety list was made with the help of national aviation safety experts. 

It appears that the lack of aircraft safety is very much a feature of autocratic states.
