Two police officers have been arrested and are to be charged with murder in connection with the shooting of 16-year-old Nathaniel Julius, whose family say he had gone out to buy biscuits when the police confronted him.

Julius, who had Down’s Syndrome, was shot after not answering questions put to him, his family said, but this was because of his condition.

He was bundled into a police vehicle and taken to Chris Hani-Baragwanath Academic Hospital, where he died.

His death sparked protests in the community.

An IOL report – accompanied by a photograph of Eldorado Park children holding up placards, one of which read #Coloured Lives Matter – quoted Independent Police Investigative Directorate spokesperson Ndileka Cola as saying the decision to arrest and charge the officers was taken after ‘careful consideration of the evidence at hand’.

The officers might also be charged with defeating the ends of justice.
